Page 2650 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 8 August 1990

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It is inappropriate for decisions to be made about some of the details sought out of the context of the overall hospital facility planning.

The next two stages of planning involve delineating the roles of Calvary and Woden in terms of the range and level of services to be provided and then the identification of more detailed functional planning needs.

In this second stage, working parties specifically addressing obstetric services and palliative care services will be established. These working groups will provide advice about the number of beds needed, the staffing structures and all of the relevant factors that must be taken into account for the architectural design of these facilities.

There are a number of options for the development of these new facilities which will be reviewed through this process. Advice from interstate experts in the field will be sought as appropriate.

The advice of these working groups will be reviewed by the Planning Committee which this Government has established to guide and monitor the planning aspects of the hospitals redevelopment.

The capital and recurrent costs will be developed and considered in the context of the overall hospital program.


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