Page 2592 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 8 August 1990

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Mr Moore: You have no idea about children, have you?

MR HUMPHRIES: Can I answer the question, Mr Acting Speaker?

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Order, members! Let him answer the question.

MR HUMPHRIES: I do not think they really want to know, but I will try to answer it. I assume that Mr Connolly is referring to streets at the bottom end of Lyons, the ones nearest Hindmarsh Drive. Naturally, for those children to walk to the old south Curtin school, or what will be the new south Curtin school, it would be a considerable distance - almost certainly in excess of two kilometres.

I think it will be expected that those students would be accommodated at - in other words, they would be invited or welcome to attend - the Melrose School at Chifley. That would be the appropriate home for those students. They would not have to cross Hindmarsh Drive. There is an underpass at Hindmarsh Drive in the middle of the suburb, between Lyons and Chifley. Those students would be able to use that underpass to travel to the Chifley school which, in the case of all those streets that Mr Connolly has named, would almost certainly be less than two kilometres.

Bushfire Brigade Fire Shed

MS MAHER: My question is addressed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. Can he inform the Assembly what is the current position regarding the construction of the Jerrabomberra volunteer bushfire brigade fire shed at section 49, block 12, Symonston?

MR DUBY: I thank Ms Maher for the question. Funds have been allocated in the minor new works budget of the natural and cultural resource program for the construction of the Jerrabomberra volunteer bushfire brigade fire shed.

Mr Collaery: Its first call was to the ALP conference on Saturday, wasn't it?

MR DUBY: Yes, it had to put out the fires there! The funds allocated fell about $30,000 short of the costs needed to construct the fire shed to the specifications requested. I am pleased to advise that design modification or supplementary funding of $30,000 is currently being examined to determine the most suitable option that would allow the project to proceed this year.

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