Page 2590 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 8 August 1990
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last few days. I am very happy to provide Mrs Grassby with a complete list of those tenants. They include organisations like the Parents and Citizens Council, the Life Education Centre at the Holder Primary School and some tenants who are currently in the old south Curtin school.
Mr Moore: Which tenants?
MR HUMPHRIES: I will happily provide Mrs Grassby with a list of those tenants.
Mr Wood: And the cost of their relocation?
MR HUMPHRIES: I have already answered, in response to questions yesterday and today, about the cost of relocation, and I stand by that answer. Information about those costs will be provided in the context of the budget.
MRS GRASSBY: I wish to ask a supplementary question. Will the Minister restate his commitment that tenants would not have to pay for their relocation.
MR HUMPHRIES: I have never made a commitment absolutely that every tenant will be relocated at no cost. I have said, however, that the Government will examine the costs of relocating tenants in most cases. Some are short-term tenants who have no security or guarantees from this Government, nor would they have such guarantees or security if they occupied private premises. I certainly hope that the majority of tenants can be relocated to other premises that are quite satisfactory from their point of view and that of the Government, and that will be the object of the Government's discussions with those people. But I cannot give guarantees in every case.
X-Rated Videos Tax
MR MOORE: My question is directed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. With reference to the 40 per cent, X-rated videos tax, can the Minister inform the house how much was anticipated and how much it compares with the money actually received so far from the tax? Are any problems associated with that? What impact does that have on the notion that the Chief Minister put up yesterday, that there could be a surplus from this year's budget?
Mr Kaine: We would refute that, to start with. I did not say that there would be a surplus in this year's budget. You are the second person in the house today to say that.
MR ACTING SPEAKER: Thank you, Chief Minister. Mr Duby will reply.
Mr Kaine: It is not true. I did not say it.
Ms Follett: Oh, yes, you did.
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