Page 2530 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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Minister for Health, Education and the Arts

Employment, Education and Training

Legislative Assembly Ouestion No 172

Mr Wood - asked the Minister for Health, Education and the Arts on 31 May 1990:

What coordination does the Government sponsor between the employment, education and training sectors to provide information and guidance to ACT schools and colleges and their students?

Mr Humphries: The answer to Mr Woods question is as follows:

The Government sponsors coordination among the employment, education and training sectors to provide information and guidance to ACT schools and colleges and their students in a number of ways.

First, it sponsors formal links between the sectors. A typical example is the Employment Reference Group established by the Department of Education which contains members nominated by TAFE, the Canberra Small Business Association and the ACT Confederation of Industry.

Second, the Department of Education is represented on industry training bodies such as the ACT Regional Tourism Industry Training Council.

Third, there are links between the Department of Education and the ACT TAFE in the development of E (Employment) courses in secondary colleges.

Fourth, the Department of Education employs work education curriculum officers. Their major role is to coordinate contacts among employers, universities, ACT Institute of TAFE, training organisations such as the vocational Training Authority and teachers and students.

Fifth, the Department of Education annually publishes a school leavers guide, Lets Get Going, for Year 10 and 12 students, which provides advice on obtaining employment

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