Page 2489 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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As part of the Institutes involvement in marketing ACT TAFE in South East Asia, three officers joined an Austrade delegation in 1989 to encourage overseas students to enrol in full time fee paying courses at the Institute. The travel expenses associated with these ventures were funded outside the ACT Budget, through Austrade and the Institutes commercial activities.

Territory Planning Office (Program 9)

(1) 1988/89 - $5,878

1989/90 - $12,000 (estimated)

(2) Nil

(3) N/A

ACT Government Law Office (Programs 10-12)

(1) 1988/89 - $61,169

1989/90 - $76,000 (estimated)

(2) 1988/89 - 1

1989/90 - 5


Destination Purpose Cost



Canada/United To study contract policing

States of America arrangements 10,885


Auckland, New To attend Law Conference and Zealand Commonwealth Association of

Legislative Counsel 3,573 Wellington, To attend Commonwealth/State New Zealand Consumer Product Advisory Committee, pre meeting inspections (2 officers) 3,900

Christchurch and To attend Standing Committee Queenstown, of Attorneys-General meeting 2,157 New Zealand Auckland, New To attend Commonwealth Law Zealand Conference 2,872

ACT Housing and Community Services Bureau (Programs 13-14)

Housing (Program 13)

(1) 1988/89 - $26,656

1989/90 - $17,215 (estimated)


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