Page 2443 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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seminar on the Assembly's behalf. I wish to add, that as this is the first CPA seminar to be attended by an ACT Branch delegate, I thank you all for allowing me the privilege of being your representative.

You scumbags.

Some members have expressed interest in attending the Sydney section of the seminar as unofficial observers.

Mr Stevenson: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; the term that was used by Mr Duby, "you scumbags", is not parliamentary behaviour.

MR DUBY: If it is good enough for the Labor Treasurer, it is good enough for me.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: I am sorry; I did not hear that term, Mr Stevenson.

Mr Stevenson: It is recorded in Hansard.

MR DUBY: It will be now.

Some members have expressed interest in attending the Sydney section of the seminar as unofficial observers. The Regional Secretary of the CPA has advised that there is a standing practice of actively discouraging unofficial observers during the seminars. This has been found to be necessary because of previous abuse of this concession -

And it goes on. The point remains, Mr Acting Speaker, that Mr Prowse advised every member of this Assembly that he would be attending the CPA seminar during the time specified. He advised the reason why he would be attending and he also said that anyone who had any problems with him being there had three weeks in which to object. For Ms Follett to come into this Assembly today and imply that it was all a mystery to her where the Speaker was, for Mr Connolly to sit there and say, "We do not know where he is, who knows?", is just out of the question.

Mr Connolly, I think the statement that the Speaker has given to us is a little bit different, for example, from the communications you have had with your own factions. I quote. It says here, "We felt we were lied to.". Well, the answer is you were not. "We felt we were deceived.". The answer is you were not. "And I suppose it could be said we were stupid;" the answer is you are.

Mr Acting Speaker, I table the following paper:

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association - Copy of letter from the Speaker to all members concerning the ACT Branch delegate to the Ninth Australian

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