Page 2441 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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What I would really like to do is to berate my Labor colleagues for ruining what was a very good opportunity for changing somebody from No Self Government back to being nowhere near the Government at all. Had they not raised that we probably would have got away with it. They should tell me when they are going to raise something like that as a question so that I can advise them from my great background as a bush lawyer.

What we have got here is a sudden realisation on the part of the Liberal Party that they are at great risk. Mr Collaery has blown it as well, because he could have improved his numbers. As it is, when Mr Prowse joins the Liberal Party in the next couple of days the numbers will go five-five. If Mr Collaery had not moved the motion and had said, "I'll do it later" and had put it off for about four days, then he would also have had the opportunity to make sure the numbers were around the right way. What I can say to you is that politically you have all blown it. In any case, just to make sure none of that happens and you do not get political advantage over one another, I shall be supporting the leave.

DR KINLOCH (4.42): I would like to say that I have much enjoyed Mr Moore's speech. It was one of the liveliest and most interesting I have heard in some time. Secondly I wish to say it is absolutely a wicked rumour and falsity that the Speaker is at the Cook Island sub-branch of the Rarotonga Liberal Party. That is not true.

I would wish to say, in the spirit of all that has been said, that if anything - especially in view of Mr Connolly's comments - we should, whether by bottle or telephone or fax, send our commiserations to the Speaker for missing a most interesting afternoon. This should be a codicil to this motion. He is having a rough time and we are enjoying ourselves and I think we should feel sorry for him. I think we should send him our warmest greetings and support as he represents us at that Parliamentary Association. We all know that these trips to these difficult places are not easy, not simple, whereas we live in the lap of luxury here in Canberra. I would ask that we get on with voting on this motion, which I certainly will support, and if need be, refer the question to the Parliamentary Association.

Motion (by Mrs Grassby) proposed:

That the debate be now adjourned.

Question resolved in the negative.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (4.44): What we are seeing today and witnessing in this house is another example of the quite irresponsible attitude adopted by those members of the Labor Party opposite. I think this is a very petty and vicious form of attack upon the Speaker, someone who is not here to defend himself. It was

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