Page 2429 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990
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consultant engaged by the Save Our Schools committee, McCann and Associates, states in its report that "To date there is no discernible loss in value to residential areas where schools have, in fact, closed already". Are you going to refute that, Mr Moore?
Mr Moore: I do not mind that either way.
MR DUBY: I am also counting out-of-area enrolments in government schools and enrolments at non-government schools. Almost half the children in each suburb do not attend their neighbourhood government school right now. Accordingly, Mr Acting Speaker, this supposed matter of public importance is nothing but a waste of this Assembly's time.
MS FOLLETT (Leader of the Opposition) (4.08): I am quite pleased that Mr Duby has now shown publicly the depths to which he will sink in his hypocrisy, in his contempt for the Canberra community.
Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Acting Speaker; I ask that that be withdrawn as that is a personal allegation. The Leader of the Opposition can refer to Mr Duby by party affiliation; that is the practice that we have developed in the Assembly.
MS FOLLETT: Which party?
Mr Collaery: You pick one.
MR ACTING SPEAKER: That remark is getting a bit close, Ms Follett.
MS FOLLETT: Mr Acting Speaker, how any member of this Assembly - - -
Mr Collaery: Mr Acting Speaker, I sought a ruling. Earlier on there was a withdrawal of the same remark by Mr Humphries.
MS FOLLETT: Is this a point of order?
MR ACTING SPEAKER: Yes, it is a point of order. Which particular remark do you say should be withdrawn?
Mr Collaery: The remark that Mr Duby was personally a hypocrite. The standard that we have developed here, Mr Acting Speaker, is that we can accuse parties of political posturing and use that term but not persons. Mr Humphries withdrew that earlier.
MR ACTING SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Humphries did do so. I would ask you to withdraw that remark, Ms Follett.
MS FOLLETT: Mr Acting Speaker, that was not my remark. I referred to the depth of hypocrisy to which Mr Duby would sink.
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