Page 2390 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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Education Cuts

To the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory.

The petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly:

. that your petitioners are strongly opposed to cuts to the ACT education budget for the 1990-1991 financial year.

. that education should be given the highest priority in the allocation of funds since society as a whole benefits from a healthy education system.

. that the present high standard of education in the ACT cannot be maintained if further cuts are implemented.

. that additional revenue be raised to fund the ACT education system adequately by the introduction of progressive and equitable rates, charges or taxes which are determined by full consultation with the ACT community.

Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly to refrain from implementing further cuts to the education budget, and to investigate the above revenue raising methods.

By Mr Moore (from 66 citizens).

School Closures

To the Speaker and members of the Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory, the petition of certain residents of the ACT draws the attention of the Assembly to our opposition to school closures. We believe the continued functioning of all schools is essential to quality education and the well-being of our local communities.

Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly to respect the wishes of parents, students and residents who desire the retention of small local schools as places of learning and as centres of their community.

By Mr Wood (from 5,192 citizens).

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