Page 2330 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 June 1990

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or the rate of inflation. We get no joy from that, but the simple fact is that this Government found the economy of the ACT to be in such a shambles following the stewardship of the previous Labor Government that we felt drastic measures of this nature were required.

In addition, some of the moneys raised in this way, as I have already outlined, will be used in meeting the recommendations - costly recommendations, I might add - of the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment in its report on commercial and domestic waste management. Furthermore, the funds raised in this way will allow us to pursue the Government's policy of reducing municipal borrowings to some 50 per cent.

All in all, Mr Speaker, I believe that these are harsh measures, undoubtedly, but they are necessary, and at the end of the day I know that the people of the ACT will prefer to pay a reasonable rate. I might point out that the rate we are currently charging in the ACT under these proposals still means that the rate charged in the ACT is less than the rate charged in other capital cities and other urban areas of Australia. Indeed with the existing rate we compare quite favourably with many of the urban areas of the nation.

Ms Follett has foreshadowed an amendment to this Bill, as indeed I also have foreshadowed some businesslike amendments. Nevertheless, I believe that Ms Follett's foreshadowed amendments are financially irresponsible, and I say now that the Government will oppose them.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 5, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 6

MS FOLLETT (Leader of the Opposition) (5.02), by leave: I move:

Page 3, subclause (1), line 5, omit "1.312", substitute "1.204".

Page 3, subclause (2), line 10, omit "0.656", substitute "0.602".

The effect of this amendment is to maintain the increase in rates at the CPI figure. That was a commitment given by me as an election promise, it was a commitment given by Mr Kaine as an election promise, and I really can see no reason at this stage for Mr Duby, the no self-government Minister, undoing the undoubtedly genuine commitment that Mr Kaine had on this matter.

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