Page 2306 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 June 1990

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MR SPEAKER: You were given it anyway, Mr Berry. You may not have appreciated it. Please proceed, Chief Minister.

MR KAINE: Apart from all the things I have mentioned, we have tabled the landmark reports by the Priorities Review Board and the review of our assets and public debt by Mr Justice Rae Else-Mitchell. We are deeply committed as a government to putting in place responsible strategies for the Territory's development. We have a commitment to preserve the quality of life that we all enjoy at a price we can afford. This is our commitment to the people of Canberra, as it was six months ago, and we are honouring that commitment openly and honestly.

Today's debate has added nothing of value. The Opposition has merely reviewed many matters which it has sought unsuccessfully to air in the past. I know that Labor members dislike being in opposition, but they are destined to remain there for some considerable time to come. After reflection, I totally reject the basis of Mr Stevenson's motion and I condemn the Labor Party's support for it as nothing but political opportunism.

MR CONNOLLY (3.39): Mr Speaker, I rise only because I had not had the opportunity to speak to Mr Moore's amendment. By focusing attention particularly on education, Mr Moore's amendment is a far greater basis for lack of confidence. I wish only to record that I support that amendment and, in order to preserve time for question time, I will not delay the house any longer.

MS MAHER (3.40): Mr Speaker, I rise briefly to condemn the motion and the amendment before the House.

Mr Moore: I thought you had changed sides again.

MS MAHER: No. Since Mr Kaine became Chief Minister and this Alliance has been in government, the Opposition has done nothing but twist words and misrepresent the truth. I think that is disgusting. Opposition members do not deserve to be here. I have full confidence in Mr Kaine - - -

Members interjected.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. I think Ms Maher needs a fair go from these people. It is only fair.

Mrs Grassby: Come on, Bernard; she can do very well on her own.

Mr Collaery: She does not have a strong voice and they are bullying her.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The house will come to order.

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