Page 2302 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 June 1990
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during the votes that related to those Bills. They wimped out, as they always do when a matter of principle is involved. Their principles, if you can call them that, went right out the window on Tuesday. But now they are back today on their high moral pedestal, judging everybody else. Today they have the gall to accuse me of a lack of integrity, a lack of credibility, and extreme hypocrisy.
Mr Berry: We did not accuse you; we said it was true.
MR KAINE: Just what exactly is the basis for their adopting this high moral position? They have not put anything on the table today to justify it.
Mr Berry: Nothing - - -
MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I warn you.
MR KAINE: They support this motion not because they believe in it, absolutely not, but because it is politically expedient for them to do so. That is political opportunism at its worst. Their position is untenable. Their newly-found moralistic position is fatally flawed. They demonstrate their own lack of conviction and their own lack of moral fibre in wimping out when the chips are down, and the Hansard is my witness, Mr Speaker. The jackals gather to tear at the carcass after Mr Stevenson has disposed of it. But I have news for them: they will go hungry because there is not going to be any carcass.
Mr Wood: God! Who wrote that?
MR KAINE: I wrote it. I have to say, Mr Speaker, that most Labor members opposite today appeared to be most uncomfortable in mouthing their words. They did it with absolutely no conviction at all because they know they have no basis from which to speak.
Mr Speaker, this X-rated video issue is not really the issue at stake and I do not intend to labour over it any longer. What is important is good government for the ACT. At least the Leader of the Opposition did talk about good government for the ACT. The rest of the Opposition members could not care less. It was a "get Kaine" exercise, and good government was of no concern to them. But at least Ms Follett had the good sense to talk about good government, and that is what the issue is really about.
I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying that the Alliance Government is providing good government for this Territory. This whole X-rated video issue has been a very successful publicity vehicle for Mr Stevenson. Today's display is just another attempt to attract media attention, and the Labor Party just could not resist getting on the band wagon. But the matter is resolved and I believe that today's vote will finally tell that.
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