Page 2297 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 June 1990
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views of 41,000 citizens who want to retain Royal Canberra Hospital.
But it is the Residents Rally members, once again, who really lack integrity and credibility and who are the extreme hypocrites on this issue. It was they who led the charge last year suggesting that the Labor Government was going to close Royal Canberra Hospital. It was the Residents Rally members who shouted the loudest about the importance of this community service, and it is the Residents Rally now which has rolled over without a whimper in the face of the Liberal onslaught.
Mr Speaker, I would ask Dr Kinloch in particular to examine his conscience, which he has already told us about, in relation to Royal Canberra Hospital, the closure of neighbourhood schools, the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station and this Government's double standards on X-rated videos. Dr Kinloch has expressed a firm position in relation to these issues. He must understand that, while he votes to support this Government on these issues, he is supporting the very opposite of everything he ever stood for. He has a vote in this Assembly for which he alone is responsible and for which he - not the joint party room - must be held to account.
The Chief Minister's remarks last December about equal opportunity for women are belied by the actions of this Government. The real views of the Liberal Party were apparent when Mr Stefaniak attempted to remove funding for women's programs from the budget. While sense prevailed on that occasion, the Government's hypocrisy is revealed by the fact that most of the money has not been spent. It has implemented budget cuts affecting women by stealth.
The women's enterprise service was designed to promote economic self-sufficiency for women. The Government has scrapped the program and pocketed the money without any announcement. Of course, its lack of concern is highlighted by the fact that Mr Collaery has sat on his hands for six months and done nothing about the changes to the domestic violence law which were in draft form last December. The Government's lack of credibility on this issue is highlighted by the fact that Mr Collaery made a public promise on this question two months ago which has led absolutely nowhere. Mr Collaery has similarly obfuscated shamefully over the matter of a human rights office and anti-discrimination legislation.
Mr Speaker, last December Mr Kaine promised us "a government that will inspire pride and confidence in this community and strive to achieve all of our objectives". How can the community have either pride or confidence in a Chief Minister who allows Mr Duby to stay as his Transport Minister? How can the community have any confidence in the integrity or credibility of a government where the Transport Minister has convictions related to drink-driving? Mr Kaine should have accepted Mr Duby's
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