Page 2254 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 June 1990

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It is antithetical, in my view, for a government to franchise the promotion of an image of men and women, particularly women, which runs counter to the modern aspirations of a sensitive society.

Mr Collaery continued:

I believe that this Bill should come back to this Assembly at a later stage, after the States and Territories have discussed the matter and determined whether joint action is indicated. This tax is being imposed in the ACT without sufficient consultation with the industry ...

That would certainly be the case, because the porn traders have indicated that they did not have any consultation. As far as the first point goes, the meeting of which Mr Collaery spoke will not be held until 29 June, later on this month. He said the Bill should not go ahead until that had occurred.

I have here the Residents Rally policy summary. Under "The Family" it refers to X-rated videos and states:

The Rally will ban the sale and distribution of X-rated videos in family accessible areas in the ACT.

This morning I rang up a number of families. What I asked them was: are the areas of Hume, Mitchell and Fyshwick accessible to your family?

Mr Humphries: Which families?

MR STEVENSON: I can name them if you like. In every single case - - -

Mr Humphries: People you know personally?

MR STEVENSON: Some; some not. In every single case they said that, yes, their families do have access to these family accessible areas. I added the "family accessible areas". The Rally policy goes on:

The question of a complete ban should await representative government.

Unfortunately, it will have to await representative government because we certainly do not have one in this Assembly. We have a political government. In Australia we do not have a house of representatives. That is an absolute misnomer. Apart from Ted Mack, we have a house of politicians. The sooner we get rid of the lot of them, the better - the better for representation.

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