Page 2241 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 6 June 1990

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As far as the letting of contracts of this nature is concerned, the established practice has been for the Chairman to take the initiative in arranging the inputs required for discussion of particular matters. This is particularly so where a timely response is required to urgent issues which arise and which are the subject of Government consideration. As a matter of course, the Chairman informs the Board of any commitments made.

The procedures used in the letting of these contracts are consistent with practices established in the ACT Administration since self government.

As far as authorisation for approval of expenditure, the Board is an advisory body and has no formal role in the approval process. The authority to approve expenditure from the Boards administrative vote is currently held by the occupant of the position of First Assistant Secretary, Commerce and Industry Division, by delegation authorised by the Treasurer.

The details sought in Question 2 are as follows:

Michael Clancy and Associates:

(a) Nil

(b) $500

(c) Letter of offer - 25 October 1989

Report received - 27 November 1989 (d) The Chairman made the arrangements; see above paragraphs.

Ernst and Young:

(a) Nil because of urgency.

(b) $5,000

(c) Proposal from Ernst and Young - 20 November 1989

Report received - 28 November 1989 (d) The Chairman made the arrangements; see above paragraphs.

Ernst and Young:

(a) Nil because of urgency.

(b) $10,000

(c) Proposal from Ernst and Young - 7 December 1989

Report received - 15 December 1989 (d) The Chairman made the arrangements; see above paragraphs.


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