Page 2234 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 6 June 1990

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in the Assembly last night, may soon be able to return to their homeland without fear of persecution, which they obviously have some concerns about at the moment.

As I have said in this place before, let us hope that the sorts of statements that I make today will continue to be in remembrance only and that at no stage - certainly not in our lifetime - will the world experience the sort of confrontation which led to the conflict that I rise to remember today.

D-Day Anniversary

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (6.03): I was not going to speak on this matter, but Mr Jensen has moved me somewhat. I would like to pay tribute to a young Australian, who went to school in Goulburn, who spent much of his time in Canberra in his young days, and who perished a few days after D-day - my father.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 6.04 pm

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