Page 2230 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 6 June 1990

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behaviour of members opposite who are involved in this, even though, at the same time, I indicate that the Labor Party will support - - -

Mr Jensen: I take a further point of order, Mr Speaker. This is tedious repetition and it is irrelevant.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed and stick to the point, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Well, I think you should get ready to accept a few more tedious repetitions about the behaviour of the Residents Rally, because I can assure you that that will be focused on from time to time from now until you are out of this place.

The Labor Party will be happy to support this Bill. We look forward to a positive result and an end which may in some way recover some of the ground which we have lost as a result of the disgraceful behaviour of members opposite. I think it is significant, Mr Speaker, that the focus of that disgraceful behaviour has been the most senior members of the Government - and that includes all of the ministry.

Mr Humphries: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. There is no indication that Mr Berry is going to come any nearer to the subject matter. There is no relevance whatever in these comments; they are tedious and repetitious. I think that practically every contravention of standing orders in the book could be thrown at Mr Berry at present. Ask him to bring some relevance to his remarks.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I request that you sum up.

MR BERRY: Well, it will take me about four minutes or so to sum up, Mr Speaker. I have jumped to my feet today to speak to this matter because the Water Supply (Chemical Treatment) (Amendment) Bill is an important piece of legislation and because it gives me, as a member of the Labor Party, a great opportunity to talk about the very brief history of government in the ACT.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, under standing order 62, I ask you to resume your seat.

MR BERRY: I am happy to support the Bill.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (5.52): Mr Berry neither smokes nor drinks. Considering his method of diction and the like, may I suggest that he take up both practices fast, furiously and soon, because I am certain that the level of debate from him at least would improve. I am sure that Mr Berry, as a fireman, well knew that his water was fluoridated.

Ms Follett: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Is this relevant?

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