Page 2088 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 5 June 1990

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and by all freedom-loving people throughout the world, just as the martyrs in Gdansk in Poland in 1956, 1970 and 1980 and the Hungarian freedom fighters in the 1956 uprising are remembered today. Just as people throughout recent history have made sacrifices to build free societies throughout the world, the demonstrators in Tiananmen Square through their sacrifice will help to build a better China - and I think that will occur in the not-too-distant future.

I am sure all Canberrans and all members of this Assembly support the cause of democracy and freedom in China. It is pleasing to note the response to the events of one year ago and to the protests in Canberra.

Democracy in China

MR BERRY (10.55): Mr Speaker, when the Chinese horror was committed against the people of China in May last year, all of Australia was moved by those tragic events. No-one in the free world will support pressure of any order. It is not only totalitarianism in the communist world that is opposed by progressive-thinking people; it is totalitarianism of all kinds. Quite aside from what has occurred in China, we all recall what has happened in South America where right-wing dictatorships have reigned over the ordinary people in those places.

In China and in all places where totalitarianism is practised and the people are oppressed, the famous song of the workers is often sung, as it was in Tiananmen Square, the Internationale. The Internationale is a workers' song. It is a song of the oppressed, whether they are workers, students or peasants, and it is most appropriate that the words of that song are remembered by all.

Mr Speaker, may I say that the Federal Labor Government's response to the terrible events of Tiananmen Square was indeed immediate. Strong diplomatic action was taken immediately, and Australia joined in the world-wide condemnation of the terrible events and atrocities that were committed against the Chinese people.

Australia was fortunate enough to be the provider of education facilities for our Chinese brothers and sisters, and it was as a result of the provision of those facilities that we were able, with the quick response that I mentioned earlier, to provide a further sanctuary to the Chinese people. I think Australians as a whole are very proud of the quick response that the Federal Labor Government gave to the events that occurred in Tiananmen Square, and in particular Australians are proud of the strong commitment that was given to the Chinese people by our Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.

Labor has a strong history of support for oppressed people, whether they be in this country or whether they are

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