Page 2018 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 5 June 1990

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Mr Duby: Hands-on experience.

MR BERRY: Here he goes, bragging about it, bragging about "hands-on experience". He says, "I have been taken into custody for drink-driving offences; therefore I am in a better position to make judgments about road safety in the ACT". What hypocrisy! What a joke! What a joke this Government is!

Mr Duby: The trouble is though, Wayne, the joke is on you, mate. You are in opposition.

MR BERRY: Indeed we are, Mr Speaker, and I am rather proud not to be associated with the group of grubs opposite.

The implications for other areas of government are intriguing if the logic that has been announced by Mr Duby is followed. I can see the Chief Minister grinning through all of this because he knows he has creamed the Residents Rally. This mob have gone - the Residents Rally. He has creamed them. He has picked up some of their votes - the ones he lost last time. You ought to be looking concerned too, Mr Collaery, because you are dead in the water.

Mr Speaker, I will just take this logic of hands-on experience further. Does the Minister responsible for corrective services have to be an ex-prisoner, perhaps in the ministerial wing of the new Collaery gaol, Mr Speaker? This is the sort of logic from the Government opposite. Does the Minister responsible for planning have to be a failed architect? Under the sort of logic that Mr Duby has announced, the only two people who are qualified to be Ministers in the Government are himself in relation to road safety and Mrs Nolan as Treasurer.

Mr Speaker, this is the sort of government that the people of Canberra are concerned about. They are concerned about a government which they are embarrassed about because their interstate friends and relations criticise this Government - and rightly so - because of its behaviour. The Canberra community feels deeply ashamed about this Government and it wants it out. Mr Speaker, people are a wake-up to the phoney messages of Messrs Kaine, Duby, Collaery and Humphries. They are a wake-up to all of this.

One of the phoney messages they have been sending out is in relation to a letter from the greatest Prime Minister in Australia's history, Mr Hawke. It is very interesting that the best the Leader of the Federal Opposition can do is criticise Mr Hawke for being 60 years of age. We see here a Chief Minister who is 62 years of age. I wonder whether the Leader of the Opposition would criticise the Chief Minister opposite for his age. It would be a waste of time because he is not in the same ballpark as the greatest Prime Minister of all time.

There has been a misrepresentation about this letter because this letter from the Prime Minister to the Chief

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