Page 1977 - Week 07 - Thursday, 31 May 1990

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It has been drawn to my attention - I do not have this as a fact, but I am still going to present it in the Assembly because it did not come from anyone within the Assembly - that one of the people proposed as a tourist commissioner is Mr Don Allen of Reid. Mr Allen is, or certainly was, a member of the executive of the Residents Rally - I do not know whether he currently is - and, from a Residents Rally perspective, I see him as one of the prime movers at the party level of arranging the coalition between the Liberal and Rally parties. Since that is the case, one must ask whether his proposed appointment - if it is a proposed appointment, and I hope we will have a response on that matter - is appropriate or whether it is his payout, his payola, his reward for getting together the Liberal Party and the Residents Rally.

Mr Allen certainly was very keen to ensure that such an alliance took place, as it did take place, and in some ways I think it is a great victory for him that it has taken place and that he has been able to work with Mr Leedman to be able to achieve that. Those sorts of qualifications are not appropriate, as I see it, for somebody to be appointed as a tourist commissioner.

I am aware that Mr Allen has worked in the tourist industry for a long time, not only in Canberra but also in the Northern Territory and other places. I am aware that he is now - he certainly was until a short time ago at least, and probably still is - the manager of Narellan House in Canberra. I am also aware that he is a major anti-casino campaigner. I wonder how people in the tourist industry in the ACT will welcome having somebody who is an anti-casino campaigner appointed as a tourist commissioner, as one of the members of that commission, if that is to be the case.

We are asking for the Government to ensure that they make an open decision and consult with other members of the Assembly on the suitability of such people. When they assess the matter of suitability, Mr Allen may well be suitable, but it is appropriate for us and for the community to be aware that this is not simply a pay-out, a payola, a reward for services rendered for establishing the Alliance Government. That is simply not a good enough reason for somebody to be appointed to that sort of position.

There are many people in the tourist industry in this Territory who have given tremendous service, who are the high-fliers of the tourist industry. They are the people who should be appointed to this commission if there is to be one and if Mr Duby in his portfolio area is prepared to share with us, as his colleague appropriately does, the suggested appointments in the tourist area. Tourism is well recognised as being one of the most important areas in Canberra for assisting us in getting on our feet financially. If the Government is really so concerned about the finances of the Territory, then I think it is

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