Page 1934 - Week 07 - Thursday, 31 May 1990
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believe it is likely that, if anything, we will not close schools.
I would ask you therefore, Minister: is it true that no schools are likely to close, or is it true that there is a split in the Alliance, despite Mr Collaery's denials as reported in this morning's paper? Furthermore, Minister, since you defined quality in education as being about choice in this morning's debate on the ministerial statement on education, does that not further reinforce Dr Kinloch's statement that no school will close, since parents clearly enjoy having the choice to send their children to neighbourhood schools?
MR HUMPHRIES: I have heard so often members of the Opposition, and I include Mr Moore in that description, abusing the process of question time by asking questions based on so-called quotes taken from people in particular instances, whether at public meetings, on public occasions or - - -
Mr Moore: I rise on a point of order. There is a clear imputation of untruth there and I ask him to withdraw it. I quoted from it, and it will be recorded in Hansard. I am quite happy to pass it across to you so you can read it.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, please do not debate the issue. Mr Humphries, I am not sure what Mr Moore is objecting to but, if there was an imputation there, please withdraw it.
MR HUMPHRIES: No, I am not either, Mr Speaker, but the point I am making is that Mr Moore and his colleagues on the Labor benches are more than capable of distorting and taking out of context things that are said by particular people. What happened yesterday was an excellent example. We had Mr Berry saying that the Chief Minister told some group or other that we knew educational quality was going to decline in the ACT. Those sorts of distortions and half-truths are typical of those opposite, and I have no intention of commenting on a quote which I have not directly heard but which may well, for all I know, be quoted out of context and which I have not seen. I will certainly take Mr Moore's question on notice and I will ensure that, if any comment or modification of what I have said needs to be made, I will make it. But, as far as I am concerned, I am going to read the comment for myself, listen to it for myself, and talk to Dr Kinloch myself.
MR MOORE: I wish to put a supplementary question. I claim that Dr Kinloch said, "I believe it is likely that, if anything, we will not close schools". Is that true or untrue? Do you agree with that statement that "if anything, we are not likely to close schools"?
MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Moore is simply trying to ask his question in a different fashion. I have already indicated that I will take it on notice. He is asking me whether
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