Page 1874 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 30 May 1990

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You want to talk about decency in considering the ordinary, common people. I ask you to look at the mortgage belt. Examine the conduct of the Federal Labor Party and what you have done in the Territory in the past - the sell-offs and the privatisations. There has been no greater privatisation in this Territory than that conducted by the Federal Labor Party. You know it. How about a little $100m deal in Belconnen? How about a mall that was handed over and the peril in which it has put a lot of retail tenants as a result? How about some swimming pools? I could run you through a catalogue, Mr Speaker. Mr Berry knows that. He has slumped back in his chair. It has taken him by surprise. He is looking shocked because every time I get to my feet I really know how to land one on the Labor Party because I know how the mind works.


MR SPEAKER: Order! It being close to 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

MRS GRASSBY (4.29): I am not going to use words that Mr Berry used although, as I said, you can think them; as long as you do not say them, they cannot hang you. By their deeds they shall know them, and at the next election I think the people will tell them exactly how they feel about what they are doing. Mr Speaker, it is obvious that the Liberal coalition opposite intends to downgrade the level of services provided in the ACT. We have been in a very fortunate part of the world, and we have lived in a very beautiful city until now. I am not sure that we will be living like that for much longer when I see the cuts that this Government is going to make. This is understandable for a Liberal government which would have no commitment to social justice at all. I am not blaming it for that. That is not its policy. Why should it be? So I am not attacking it on that.

However, it is disappointing that its coalition partners, the Residents Rally and the no self-glory party, are prepared to stand by while the Chief Minister uses his knife to cut into some of the things that we have in this city, in which we have pride and which we believe should be left alone. At least the Residents Rally party pretended to have a commitment to social justice. It is obvious from the articles that appear in the paper from time to time that the Residents Rally executive still has some belief in

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