Page 1683 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990
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simple, sole reason for it. Those members opposite can wait their turn and have the opportunity when the time comes to put their own largely deluded points of view. I think this is an extremely important day, there are many important issues before the Assembly, and the so-called motion of no confidence is not one of them.
MR SPEAKER: The debate is now closed.
Question put.
The Assembly voted -
Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Jensen Mrs Grassby
Mr Kaine Mr Moore
Ms Maher Mr Stevenson
Mrs Nolan Mr Wood
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak
Question so resolved in the affirmative.
Ministerial Statement and Paper
MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (4.39): Mr Speaker, as the Chief Minister has indicated, the Alliance Government is intent on providing the highest quality health care system for the people of Canberra. I believe that our community must have access to a comprehensive range of high-standard health services that provide for the needs of the very young, the increasing numbers of frail aged and many other groups who have specialised needs.
The challenge for this Government has been to balance the ability to provide the best possible health system with a cost that the community can afford and that does not adversely take resources away from areas of the budget important to preventing ill-health.
The public hospital service is an important part of this system. Whatever progress is made on preventing illness, there will always be emergencies and the need for care of the complex or chronically ill. At these times of trouble and acute pain we need to know that the best possible care is at hand. In my view, the first place to look for the resources necessary for the highest quality health care is in targeting existing inefficiencies.
As an important initial step in the program of reform, I announced in March the Alliance Government's decision to
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