Page 1652 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990

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he said with a large grain of salt. But I do recall that yesterday he spoke on the Pru Goward show and he said:

... the difficulty is to measure the impact firstly of the national capital implications for Canberra and things like the neighbourhood schools system that were built into the original national plan and maybe if we started from square one we wouldn't have done it quite the way we did - we'd still have a lot of local schools but perhaps not distributed exactly as they are ...

I think that is a very significant comment on his part and I think it is an acknowledgement on his part that, even though he thinks that moving away from the neighbourhood school model shows a lack of commitment to education, there are weaknesses and there are flaws in that model. That is what this Government has conceded and argued, and that is what the Opposition refuses even to concede exists. The assumptions based on their arguments to date have been that there are no flaws with the present education system; nothing that can be changed in any way to effect an enhancement and an improvement in the quality of education.

I believe that we have to emphasise the important things in our education system, not the fringe or peripheral things, and this means pursuing this course of action that we have adopted.

MR KAINE: I ask that any further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Mr Berry: On a point of order; I wish to seek leave to move a motion of censure. Now, I refer to page - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! What is your point of order?

Mr Berry: It is the practice of this house to refer to House of Representatives Practice in relation to points of order. I refer the Speaker to page 340. I will just read from House of Representatives Practice.

MR SPEAKER: Order! You will not read from anything, Mr Berry. You will make the point of order or you will sit down, please.

Mr Berry: The point of order is that, in accordance with House of Representatives Practice, it is customary for governments to consider censure motions as matters of priority before other business. I will refer to page 340, where it states that the importance of such motions - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Thank you for that observation, Mr Berry. I believe you would have to move a motion on that issue or seek leave. The Chief Minister is on his feet, so I would ask you to put that before the house at a later date.

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