Page 1350 - Week 05 - Thursday, 26 April 1990

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knowledge of that discussion came only later through a source next to Peter Conway. I think that was good politics. That is the hallmark of someone who has set his party up in a better position than it might otherwise have been in. I congratulate Mr Whalan for his skills. I am sure they are going to be felt elsewhere soon.

MR MOORE: I seek leave to make a statement. I claim to have been misrepresented.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR MOORE: The apology that Mr Collaery is talking about is just another one of his lies.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Do you need to do this now, Mr Moore?

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I ask that Mr Moore be asked to either withdraw that statement or prove it.

MR SPEAKER: Please withdraw the statement.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, Mr Collaery has provoked this situation and it is just another one of his lies. That is the crunch.

Mr Collaery: You did.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery! Mr Moore, please withdraw the statement.

MR MOORE: It is a fact, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I direct you to withdraw that statement.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I will withdraw whatever you direct me to withdraw.

Ministerial Statement and Paper

MR KAINE (Chief Minister), by leave: Mr Speaker, as members know, Heritage Week is celebrated around Australia in April of each year. I formally launched Heritage Week in the ACT last Friday at the recommissioning of Locomotive 3016 and, of course, the week is now well advanced. Despite this, I believe that Heritage Week deserves particular recognition by this Assembly. Heritage Week provides a rare opportunity for the community to focus on the heritage which we all value and at the same time, through a varied program of activities, to educate ourselves further about our environment and history.

I understand that Heritage Week has been held in the ACT since 1981, and from 1983 it has been coordinated by a

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