Page 1332 - Week 05 - Thursday, 26 April 1990
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of the question escape me. Would you put your question again, Mr Jensen?
Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; that part of it is a little irrelevant because the discussion must not be anticipated.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your direction, Mr Moore. Please do not speak over me. I am trying to run this Assembly with your help, not without it. Mr Jensen, would you please rephrase your question.
MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, I will try. The question, very simply, is in relation to the Ainslie Transfer Station's proposed closure. Can Mr Duby give an indication to this house as to why he has made the decision, as the responsible Minister, to close that particular facility at this stage?
MR DUBY: I thank you, Mr Speaker, and I thank Mr Jensen for the question again. Mr Speaker, it has been bandied about in question time today that the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station is contrary to the findings or the recommendations - - -
Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker, under 117(f). Mr Duby is about to anticipate discussion on a matter that is on the notice paper.
MR SPEAKER: Order! I rule that you are out of order there, Mr Moore. Please proceed, Mr Duby.
MR DUBY: Thank you. As I said, it has been said that the closure of that station is contrary to recommendations of a report. Frankly, Mr Speaker, it clearly is not. The only mention of Ainslie Transfer Station in the recommendations of the committee is that recycling facilities at both landfill sites and the Ainslie Transfer Station be upgraded and access improved. The gist of that recommendation is that recycling facilities be improved and upgraded, and, Mr Speaker, that is exactly what this Government is doing. It is upgrading the recycling facilities here on the north side, the inner north.
Mr Moore: He ought not be allowed to do this, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Please be wary of where you are going, Mr Duby.
MR DUBY: The Government is committed to upgrading recycling facilities and improving access to the public.
Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I ask you again, under standing order 117: we have no chance to reply on this or to comment.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, he has been asked a question and he is trying to answer it.
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