Page 1325 - Week 05 - Thursday, 26 April 1990

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Mr Jensen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Standing order 116 relates to a "bill, motion, or other public matter connected with the business of the Assembly, of which the member has charge". Mr Speaker, I would suggest that, as the committee report has now been brought down, the member no longer has charge of that matter.

Mr Moore: He has.

MR SPEAKER: Please do not debate the issue.

Mr Moore: He is the chair of the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I have now forgotten the text of your question, Mr Moore. I will rule on the question after it is delivered, if you would give me time to listen.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. If you would let me deliver it and then rule, I would be happy with that. It is quite brief. According to the committee report, it is considered to be important to waste management. I refer the Assembly to recommendations 7, 15 and 26 of the report. Therefore, Dr Kinloch, will you call on Mr Duby for a stay of execution until the matter currently on the notice paper has been debated, or will you allow the Minister and his department to shamefully anticipate the result of the debate with a blatant display of non-consultative government?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I rule that Dr Kinloch does not have charge of that issue because it is asking him to make a statement of policy.

Tuggeranong - Centrepoint Building

MRS NOLAN: Mr Speaker, my question is to Mr Humphries in his capacity as Minister for Education. I refer the Minister to the announced decision of the Government to occupy commercial premises in the Centrepoint Building in Tuggeranong. When will the space to be occupied by the Education Department in fact be occupied?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I thank Mrs Nolan for her question. I do think it is timely because there has been some confusion about the occupation by the Government of premises in Tuggeranong, and the position as far as the Centrepoint Building is concerned is very clear. The Government has a very strong commitment to the Tuggeranong Valley - a commitment not just to offering employment opportunities in the valley but also to doing whatever we reasonably can to support business in that valley. In that regard we are very pleased to be occupying premises in part of the Centrepoint Building in the near future.

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