Page 1310 - Week 05 - Thursday, 26 April 1990

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1 March 1990. Members may recall that the Chief Minister signed the agreement.

The Bill seeks to amend the Housing Assistance Act 1987 by incorporating the agreement as a schedule to the Act, replacing existing schedules 1 and 2 which do not fully reflect the objectives and the provisions of the new agreement. There are also some minor or consequential amendments.

In becoming a signatory to the Commonwealth-State housing agreement, for the first time in its history the ACT is now a full partner with the States and the Northern Territory. In consequence, the ACT will share in the funding to be made available by the Commonwealth through the agreement over the 10 years commencing this financial year. Until 1992-93 the ACT is assured of Commonwealth base level funding for housing of $17.772m annually, the same nominal level as in 1989-90. At the same time, the ACT is required to provide matching grants to attract the untied Commonwealth funds. Matching grants will need to increase progressively from $3.92m in 1989-90 to $7.841m in 1992-93.

Mr Speaker, key Commonwealth aims in introducing the new agreement are to: re-establish the financial viability of public housing; increase the State-Territory contribution to public housing; promote consistency in State-Territory housing programs with the principles and objective of the agreement; improve the planning process for public housing, providing a real opportunity for involvement by the community; ensure access to housing assistance for all groups experiencing housing need; and improve user rights in housing programs.

The Alliance Government is strongly committed to these objectives and seeks through this Bill to ensure that they are reflected in ACT legislation. I commend the Bill to the Assembly. I present the following papers:

ACT Housing Trust - Profile 1987-1990;

Housing Assistance (Amendment) Bill 1990 - Explanatory memorandum.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Grassby) adjourned.


MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (11.23): I now present the Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Bill 1990. I move:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

Upon the establishment of the ACT as the seat of government, those Acts which applied in New South Wales were adopted as Acts of the Territory. The New South Wales Acts Act 1986 sought to consolidate those Acts which still apply in the

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