Page 1262 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 24 April 1990
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I now plead with your sense of commitment to this community and that of Australia to do what I did: ban X-rated videos. Then please also investigate the whole classification of publications and the need to licence the Video industry properly due to the powerful social effects that videos have on our Society.
I am now active in campaigning for the banning of that material and in counselling those adversely affected by it.
Yours sincerely
Wolf Reich.
I table the following paper:
Pornographic and violent videos - Letter to Member from Mr W. Reich, dated 23 April 1990, together with a copy of a submission to the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department from Network Video, dated August 1984.
MR SPEAKER: You need to seek leave to table it.
MR STEFANIAK: I seek leave to do so, Mr Speaker.
Leave granted.
MR STEFANIAK: Finally, as I think Mr Humphries has said, it is all very well to allow people freedom to do what they please - that is a fundamental part of democracy and Liberal Party philosophy - that is fine as long as their freedom to do what they wish does not interfere with and hurt other people. When persons' acts do interfere with and hurt other people, legislation is needed to protect those people in our community who cannot protect themselves.
I have some problems with X-rated videos, as does the Liberal Party. As Mr Humphries and Mrs Nolan have said, we regard them as degrading to women. It illustrates a totally self-indulgent style of life, and there are some very adverse effects on some people in our community. Accordingly, along with my Liberal colleagues, I will be supporting in principle Mr Stevenson's Bill.
MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (10.09): The justification of the pro-censorship lobby has two bases: it rests on emotive arguments based on value judgments of morality and, secondly, it invariably rests its argument on incorrect assumptions about the effects of X-rated videos. But what are the facts? Tonight I intend to show the facts about X-rated videos.
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