Page 846 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Mr Moore - asked the Chief Minister - on 21 March 1990:

(1) Are you aware that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TAG) which was formerly known as the National Biological Standards Laboratory, has a sterility testing unit within the precincts of, and next to, Block B, Currong Flats in Braddon.

(2) If you are aware of that, well now you are aware because I have just told you, can you inform the Assembly if you consider that an appropriate activity under the lease purpose clause there - specifically it being a residential area.

Mr Collaery - The answer to the Members question is as follows

This question was incorrectly directed to the Chief Minister last Wednesday. I will respond 8s this falls within my portfolio responsibilities.

(1) The Commonwealth Government is constructing purposes built accommodation for the TAG in Symonston to replace the current facility which has been located at Currong Flats for well over a decade. Construction is not expected to be completed until 1992.

(2) While the current location of the TAG is not appropriate, due to the unavailability of suitable alternative accommodation relocation of the Sterility subsection is not possible at this time.

The TAG is cooperating with the ACT Housing Trust in its use of the building and is paying an appropriate level of rent.


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