Page 834 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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Disposals are carried out on a goodwill basis, with disposers transporting the wastes to the disposal site at West Belconnen in most cases. This transport should be in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Act 1984 and the provisions of the proposed Hazardous Chemicals and Waste Control legislation. Small quantities of waste are collected by the ERB, but this service is limited due to staff resources. This service will be expanded when the proposed legislation comes into force.

(6) Although no ACT Government Service representative has been overseas to investigate their procedures for the disposal of hazardous and intractable wastes, information is gained through the following sources:

- representation and exchange of information through the Australian and New Zealand Environment Council, especially participation in the Advisory Committee on Chemicals in the Environment (ACRE).

- representation on working parties for the Joint Task Force on Intractable Waste being conducted by the Commonwealth, New South Wales and Victoria Governments.

- monitoring of journals, articles and publications by the departmental library through the Selective Dissemination of Information System,

- attendance of meetings, conferences and seminars at which international speakers present papers, and

- attendance of courses.


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