Page 783 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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MR SPEAKER: Order! Are you seeking leave to speak?

Ms Follett: I request that he table the papers.

Mr Collaery: I was getting to my feet to table these. I do not believe that the pace should be set by this motley crowd. I will table them in due course now, and you can wait.

Mrs Grassby: We do not trust you.

Mr Moore: Nobody trusts you.

Mrs Grassby: Nobody trusts you, Bernard.

Mr Collaery: You have not chosen to speak to the motion, Mrs Grassby. You can wait for your documents.

Ms Follett: No, Mr Speaker - - -

Mrs Grassby: It is not the rules. You cannot do that, I am afraid.


Mr Moore: On a point of order; he said he would table them.

Mr Wood: Standing orders, Bernard.

Mr Moore: The debate is now finished.


Mrs Grassby: They have to be tabled; the debate is finished.

Mr Moore: He is not to be trusted. He will find a way to weasel out of it.

Mr Kaine: They can be tabled any time. Table them next week.

Mr Moore: That is right; weasel your way out of it.

Mr Collaery: No, I will table them.

Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, under standing order 213 - - -

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms Follett. Yes, your objection is upheld.

Mr Collaery: Well, Mr Speaker, I will table them. I take that point.

Ms Follett: Thank you.

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