Page 781 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, on a point of order; surely he means the No has it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! On this occasion it is quite obvious that the Ayes have it.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I have called a division.

MR SPEAKER: Order. That is my ruling, Mr Moore, thank you. The question now is that the motion, as amended, be agreed to.

Mr Moore: No!

MR SPEAKER: I think the Ayes have it.

Mr Moore: No, the Noes have it.

Mr Duby: You mean the No again.

MR SPEAKER: The Noes have it. Next order of business.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, what was the result?

Mr Moore: He said the Noes have it.

A member: Do the Ayes or the Noes have it?

MR SPEAKER: Sorry, I - - -

Mr Moore: No, you have said the Noes have it.

Mr Jensen: The Ayes have it, surely.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, correction there, the Ayes have it.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I have called a division.

MR SPEAKER: All right, ring the bells.

I will put the question on the amendment because I believe I incorrectly ruled that the vote need not be called on one member calling the No vote. So we will go back to that original question, that the amendment be agreed to.

Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Jensen's) be agreed to.

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