Page 733 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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copy of the unedited version. After going to see the Speaker, Mr McRae returned to inform me that the Speaker was not willing to provide the unedited draft.

On the morning of 23 February 1990 I rang Mr Peter Hallett, Editor of the Canberra Chronicle, to inform him of the questioning in the Assembly and the ensuing discussion between the Speaker and Rosemary Follett. Mr Hallett said that while the Speaker's Corner column of 13 February, which only dealt with executive deputies, had been edited because it exceeded the agreed length of the column, the column of 20 February had been printed in its entirety as provided by the Speaker.

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. If the Leader of the Opposition is seeking leave to incorporate that document, I would oppose it on the grounds that I have no knowledge of whether the events as recounted in that paper are accurate or not. They are the opinion of a staff member and I submit that there is no place for having that alleged series of events incorporated in the Hansard. It is quite scandalous to propose that it should be.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine.

Sporting Lease Transfers

MR MOORE: My question is to the Chief Minister as Minister for planning. Chief Minister, I refer you to an article in the Chronicle of 23 March where you are reported as giving an assurance to representatives of the ACT Rugby League that:

Betterment arrangements for the redevelopment of Northbourne Oval would proceed under previous betterment arrangements.

Could the Chief Minister explain to the house the taxation forgone by that decision, considering that a lease was secured for sport in 1979 for the sum of $16,000, and was very conservatively estimated to be of the value of about $6m by Phillip Hobbs in a later article. Is the Chief Minister also aware that if he is reported correctly, the assurance he gave was not given to the leaseholders, since the lease was transferred away from the sporting body, the ACT Rugby League, on 30 August 1989 to the ACT Leagues Club Limited, and his assurances which will cost ACT ratepayers so dearly are not binding?

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, my understanding is that Mr Moore is reading from an article in the Chronicle. I am in no way responsible for what the Chronicle prints, but I would say that in connection with the particular site, or any other site, I made it clear when I announced the change in the rate of betterment that it would apply to any application

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