Page 701 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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So many Bills that have come into this Assembly since its inception were lying around being prepared by the previous Federal public service well before this Assembly came into being, and indeed this Bill is one of those.

I rise to speak in support of the Bill. Legislation establishing guidelines for the safe handling of clinical waste is essential for the continuing health of the ACT community, especially those involved in the storage, transportation and disposal of this material. Clinical waste poses a serious risk to public health and the environment, particularly when it is disposed of through conventional domestic or commercial garbage disposal routes.

Risks include exposing the community to hepatitis B, AIDS and other bacterial infections. Incorrect disposal also holds serious implications for our environment. If waste is deposited in the waterways, livestock and humans could be in danger of contamination or infection. Until now the ACT has had no legislation regulating the disposal of such material. This situation is totally unacceptable to the ACT community and the Alliance Government.

While this situation continues, the potential exists for dangerous mishaps to occur. This legislation will cover all institutions and premises in the ACT which generate, store, transport or dispose of clinical waste. This will ensure that all potential sources of clinical waste are covered by the Act. Under this legislation there is a requirement for transporters of clinical waste to be licensed. This will make sure that proper methods and procedures are used by competent and professional operators. As well, movement of clinical waste will need to be documented at each step of the disposal process through to final incineration, burial or other disposal. This will provide for a cradle to grave tracking system for this waste, making sure that none may be disposed of in incorrect ways. A clinical waste manual will detail procedures for the management of clinical wastes. This manual is to be based on similar documents produced by clinical waste authorities in the other States. The manual and every amendment subsequently made to it will be disallowable by this Assembly.

This clinical waste legislation is consistent with initiatives already taken or now current in a number of Australian States. The definitions, control measures and approach to waste disposal are in accordance with guidelines produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council. I believe that this Bill is an important initiative in ensuring not only that workers in the ACT have appropriate protection in the workplace but also that both the environment and the health of the ACT community in general are safeguarded. I commend the Bill to the Assembly.

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