Page 628 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 1990
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ownership in Australia, not only foreign ownership of land but also foreign ownership of business. Our beginnings of surveys have shown that people think both these areas should be greatly restricted. This is what the people in Canberra believe.
The VFT consortium have suggested that they have the power to acquire land. That might be fine if it is not your land. If it is your land, giving someone the power to acquire it I suggest is not something you would agree with. The corridors that will be used for the VFT would potentially create problems. First of all, you have the width and, most importantly, the sound. It has been estimated by engineers that the impact of 90 trains a day perhaps running at speeds of up to 350 kilometres per hour would have audible levels travelling some distance. I think that is perfectly reasonable to assume. The result of that would certainly be a severe effect on livestock and wildlife.
There are no privately owned very fast train systems operating anywhere in the world. I think we need to look at whether or not we in Australia can develop the resources that we wish to develop or whether we need to introduce foreign ownership of Australia and Australian assets. The Gold Coast is some 70 per cent owned by overseas investors. With the VFT, there needs to be a genuine look at alternatives. The tilt train has been mentioned as one alternative. I think it is fairly obvious that though the VFT consortium requires access to existing rail lines, most of the rail lines would not be suitable for such a train.
There are major points that many people are concerned about and that many groups, including the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Australian Railways Union and literally dozens of others have spoken out about. Obviously the environmental aspects top the list, followed very closely by ownership of Australian assets. At this time, having talked to the people I have talked to, having looked at the information I have viewed, I cannot support a very fast train concept for Canberra.
Motion, as amended, agreed to.
Sitting suspended from 12.28 pm to 2.30 pm
MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, my question is to Mr Kaine, the Chief Minister, in his capacity as Treasurer. Mr Kaine, I refer you to your answer to my question on 22 February this year, where you stated categorically that there would be no mini-budget. Does this mean that the Treasury minute which is dated 6 February of this year and which states that in
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