Page 591 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 20 March 1990

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Tuesday, 22 August we rose at 5.57; on Tuesday, 17 October, we rose at 5.01; on Tuesday, 14 November, we rose at 5.18.

Mrs Grassby: By agreement.

MR JENSEN: By agreement, Mr Speaker, yes, because when those issues were raised with us at the time we agreed that it was appropriate - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Your time is up, Mr Jensen. The time allotted for the debate has now expired.

MR WOOD, by leave: Under standing order 47 I rise to claim that I have been misrepresented. During the debate a good deal was said about me in company with my colleagues who may not have been here on Thursday or Friday. Mr Speaker, I take some pride in the fact that I am persistently contacted by electors and a great deal of my work is done outside this chamber. You can be sure that on any occasion when I am not here, at whatever hour, I am busily occupied with electors. Members might find that strange because they do not have that experience.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I also seek the indulgence of the house to make a small statement. I claim to have been misrepresented by Mr Wood. I take umbrage at the point raised by Mr Wood that I have not done my duty. I have done my duty. The Leader of the Opposition wrote to me and I replied to her. For Mr Wood to then tell me that it is my duty to raise this issue with the house is, I believe, offside.

Mr Wood: I made that comment as I went along - I was caught out.

MR SPEAKER: Well, I believe you should check your facts. This is something that I would ask all members to do before they continually attack me. I am in a position where I am not really able to comment from this chair. I do not wish to do that; I am doing it now because things have got out of hand.

Question put:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

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