Page 546 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 20 March 1990
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MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Chief Minister. Please speak to the point of the motion to suspend standing orders, Mr Whalan.
MR WHALAN: In moving this adjournment, we seek the opportunity to discuss on a later day the precincts of this Assembly. Mr Speaker, we are not totally convinced that it is absolutely your prerogative to determine the precincts of the Assembly. We are not convinced that it is your prerogative in consultation with the Executive to determine the precincts of this Assembly.
Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; Mr Whalan is deliberately misquoting what you said. My recollection is very clear. You said that it was the responsibility of the Assembly to determine the precincts of the Assembly. You are being misquoted; it is going in the Hansard as a misquote. I again request that he be directed to stick to the facts.
MR SPEAKER: This is an unusual situation in which to find myself, but I must make the point that I said, "After consultation with party leaders, my intention is to arrange for the introduction of a motion ..." to be debated before the Assembly. They were the words that I used.
Mr Berry: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. I do not think it is the Speaker's place to debate the motion.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Berry.
Mr Berry: And I also would say that continual interjections by Mr Kaine speaking one way or the other on the motion under the guise of a point of order - - -
MR SPEAKER: Under what premise are you speaking now, Mr Berry? Are you speaking to a point of order?
Mr Berry: I think he ought to stick to the points of order.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Berry. Please proceed, Mr Whalan.
MR WHALAN: We believe it is quite properly the matter and the property of this Assembly to discuss this issue of the precincts. Now, as a result of the complicity on that side of the chamber to deny debate on this issue, we will - - -
Mr Collaery: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. Under standing order 117, another imputation is the word "complicity". I ask that Mr Whalan be asked to withdraw that word. He is referring to the Chair and the Government.
MR SPEAKER: I ask you to withdraw that, Mr Whalan.
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