Page 538 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 20 March 1990
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Housing - Joint Venture - Copy of letter from Mr A. Johnson, Development Manager, Civil and Civic Pty Ltd to Ms J. Westaway, Manager, Property Development, ACT Housing Trust, dated 8 November 1989.
I think in another place, or perhaps in this place, at another time we will have more to say about this matter. But if another boomerang was delivered across the floor, here it is.
Executive Deputies - Status
MS FOLLETT: My question is addressed to the Chief Minister. On 13 February of this year Mr Wood directed a question to Mr Kaine, seeking clarification as to the role of Executive Deputies. Mr Wood asked with what authority Dr Kinloch had made statements about balloting for places in courses in secondary colleges. He asked: what was the status of statements made by Executive Deputies? Mr Kaine did not answer that question, which is not surprising and not untypical, but I am now asking again: do public statements by Executive Deputies have the status of expressions of government policy?
Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, on a point of order; for the welfare of this house - - -
MR SPEAKER: Order! I ask you to get straight to the point.
Mr Collaery: That question put by the Leader of the Opposition contained an imputation against the Chief Minister that he did not usually answer questions. Mr Speaker, I direct your attention to standing order 117(b)(iv), imputations. I think the conduct of this house will be better off if - - -
Mr Whalan: Stop wanking. Sit down, you wanker.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, I believe that you are out of order.
Mr Humphries: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Whalan used a most unparliamentary term in reference to the Deputy Chief Minister, and I ask him to withdraw it. The term was "wanker".
MR SPEAKER: I did not hear the comment, but please withdraw it, Mr Whalan.
Mr Whalan: I am sorry, but I did not state anything that you heard, and you have already said that you did not hear it, Mr Speaker.
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