Page 535 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 20 March 1990
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Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker - - -
MR KAINE: I am answering the question. Why do you not sit down?
Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, the reason why I have stood up and will not sit down is that Mr Kaine is not answering the question, and his comments are totally irrelevant to the question that he has been asked.
MR SPEAKER: That is a valid point.
MR KAINE: My comments with respect to the question are just as relevant as the question. I again state that if the members opposite want answers to their questions - I have stopped playing their game - in future they can address their questions to the Ministers responsible or they will get no answers to them. It is as simple as that.
MR WHALAN: Mr Speaker, I wish to press as a supplementary question the issue of misleading this house. I believe that that suggestion is so serious that the Chief Minister would have addressed himself to it.
MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Whalan! I do not believe that is a question without notice. If there is a matter of impropriety, that is to be raised as an issue before the Assembly.
MR WHALAN: It is a supplementary matter to the question which was asked, and that is what the standing orders provide for, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you for that observation.
MR WHALAN: Supplementary to the question which was asked, will Mr Kaine tell this Assembly whether he did or did not mislead the Assembly.
MR KAINE: I did not mislead the Assembly.
Northbourne Flats
MS MAHER: My question, which is directed to the Minister for Housing and Community Services, regards the rumours concerning the Northbourne Flats. Does the Government propose to sell the flats?
MR COLLAERY: I am delighted to receive that question because after Mrs Grassby wrote to Housing Trust residents on 22 February and again on 2 March I went to see them - - -
Mr Moore: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. To illustrate my point of order, I would like to quote what Mr Kaine said on 2 November 1989.
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