Page 71 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 13 February 1990

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Mr Kaine: There will be no opposition; there is none.

MR COLLAERY: Regrettably, we will not be pressed by an informed Opposition as it has shown no interest this evening in assisting to bring forward the portfolio programs for the people of Canberra.

Mr Moore: I have. I suggested a different suspension of standing orders to allow Mr Duby to do it himself.

Mr Berry: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. It might be acceptable to the Speaker, but Mr Collaery attempts to cover up his own incompetence by slagging the opposition. There is a clear matter of fact here. Mr Collaery closed off the debate and, of course, now we are having to suffer the embarrassment of him having to pick up the speeches of the other members whom he blocked from speaking by his incompetence. I think for the Speaker to - - -

Mr Humphries: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; you have ruled on this point of order already. It is the same one again. I think we should proceed to get the business and the night over and done with.

MR SPEAKER: Please get to your point of order, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: My point of order is that I think that it is most inappropriate for the Speaker to force this house to bear the embarrassment of a cover-up of this person's incompetence.

MR SPEAKER: I do take the point. Mr Collaery, I wonder would you mind tabling those papers for inclusion in Hansard. Is that possible?

MR COLLAERY: Certainly, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, I seek leave to table a ministerial policy speech by the Minister for Finance and Urban Services for inclusion in Hansard.

Leave granted

Document incorporated at appendix 4

MR JENSEN (8.58): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to address the Assembly on the motion to take note of the Executive's objectives and program statement by the Chief Minister in December. I am seeking the indulgence of the House.

Leave not granted.

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