Page 60 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 13 February 1990
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We have not released the Alliance Government policy statement on welfare because we are consulting to produce the best possible commitments which will lead to real reform. I am not proposing that there will be a further review of welfare. Further review is not needed. The community can rightly expect action from this Government and we are now putting together a strategic plan for that action. A similar approach is necessary in other areas. I have recently examined the report and recommendations of the 1987 review of adoptions. I have asked the Housing and Community Services Bureau to put together a plan for the amendment of law and practice in this area.
In its 1988 report on sentencing, the Law Reform Commission identified the need for the ACT to extend its range of sentencing options. Several suggestions were put forward, including an attendance centre, periodic detention, day release, home detention and imprisonment. The ACT does not have the full range of options and I will carefully consider these issues, together with operational problems, in our existing correction system. Nevertheless, improvement in community service will have to be tempered by the reality of the overall ACT budget situation. Certainly, funding is important for planning reasons and the Commonwealth has failed the ACT by its apparent unwillingness to guarantee a financial future for the ACT. This will impact on all areas of ACT Government and we will need to identify overlaps carefully, rationalise programs and look for structural adjustment options if we are both to maintain an appropriate level of community service provision and live within our means.
Welfare and funding are inseparable issues. We believe that properly defined needs should influence funding decisions. Needs should not be found to match funds. Welfare should not become self-promoting. We accept that considerable discretion exists in the community welfare area. Much decision-making is made by bureaucrats who have to be responsive to the general directions and social conscience that our Government can impose. In the child support area the Children's Services Act 1986 will be reviewed - - -
MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery! Your time has expired.
Suspension of Standing Orders
Motion (by Mr Humphries) proposed:
That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Collaery from concluding his remarks.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
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