Page 199 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990
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Motion (by Mr Collaery) proposed:
That the debate be adjourned.
Question put.
The Assembly voted -
AYES, 11 NOES, 6
Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Ms Follett
Mr Humphries Mrs Grassby
Mr Jensen Mr Moore
Mr Kaine Mr Whalan
Dr Kinloch Mr Wood
Ms Maher
Mrs Nolan
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak
Mr Stevenson
Question so resolved in the affirmative.
Sitting suspended from 12.12 to 2.30 pm
Deputy Chief Minister
MS FOLLETT: My question is to Mr Kaine as Chief Minister and as the Minister responsible for appointing other Ministers - presumably he is also responsible for determining their standards of behaviour. Mr Kaine, have you required from Mr Collaery that he desist from private practice as a barrister and solicitor and, if so, when did Mr Collaery cease to act in private practice as a barrister and solicitor?
MR KAINE: I am not sure that I ought to be answering for Mr Collaery. I can say that he has advised me that he has completely withdrawn from his practice and he is no longer currently practising law in the ACT. I suggest that if the Leader of the Opposition wants to know more details of that she should ask Mr Collaery personally.
MS FOLLETT: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. It is to the Chief Minister.
Mr Collaery: Well, why do you not ask me?
Mr Kaine: She does not want to know. She just wants to make some sort of a move.
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