Page 191 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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Ms Follett: Him.

MR MOORE: To him, I mean. Thank you.

Ms Follett: It could be misleading.

MR MOORE: I do not want to mislead, do I? We need to ensure that this board is restructured so that the potential victims of the razor gang have a say about the sorts of cuts that are necessary to have a balanced budget.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (11.41): I was disappointed to hear Mr Moore refer to this board as a razor gang.

Mr Berry: That's what it is.

MR DUBY: There is no such intention for this to be a razor gang; there is no intention for this to be a process of excision.

Mrs Grassby: There is no such thing as No Self Government, is there?

MR DUBY: In addition, if that is the view - - -

Mr Berry: You should have been here for Mr Humphries' speech.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; it seems to me that the people across the chamber are not prepared to allow the dignified operations of this Assembly, that they must continue in a carping way.

Ms Follett: Oh, sit down! What's your point of order?

Mr Jensen: I suggest, Ms Follett, that you refer to the standing orders in relation to disorderly conduct within the chamber, and I request that you, Mr Speaker, take action accordingly.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Members will address their comments through the Chair. Please proceed, Mr Duby.

MR DUBY: As I was saying, it is quite disconcerting to hear this review board referred to as a razor gang. Apart from anything else, it is inaccurate and, secondly, it is plagiarism. The term "razor gang" has been around for a long time. It is a well-known term from previous episodes administered by the Fraser Government. This is nothing like that. Surely you could have thought of a more original name like "machete mob". Honestly and truly!

Mr Wood: Mr Duby, is it not true that you lot are providing the soap to ease the razor across the shaved area?

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