Page 175 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990
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The definitions, control measures and approach to waste disposal are in accordance with guidelines produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
The Bill will complement existing legislation. It does not, for example, cover the disposal of human remains covered by the Cemeteries Act 1933 or the Cremation Act 1983. It does not cover disposal of radioactive materials which are covered by the Radiation Act 1983.
Mr Speaker, I believe this Bill is an important initiative in ensuring not only that workers in the ACT have appropriate protection in the workplace, but also that both the environment and the health of the ACT community in general are safeguarded. I now present the explanatory memorandum for the Bill.
Debate (on motion by Mrs Grassby) adjourned.
Debate resumed from 28 September 1989, on motion by Ms Follett:
That this Bill be agreed to in principle.
MR SPEAKER: Before debate commences on this Bill and orders of the day Nos. 2 and 3, could I point out to the Assembly a matter concerning the right of reply of the member who moved that the Bills be agreed to in principle. The circumstances are quite unusual, and it has been very difficult to find any precedents that are directly relevant.
Standing orders 48 and 49 provide that a member who has moved a motion that a Bill be agreed to in principle has the right of reply and that reply by a mover of such a motion closes the debate. In the case of orders of the day Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Ms Follett moved that the Bills be agreed to in principle, as she was the responsible Minister at that time. Technically, under the provisions of standing orders, Ms Follett would close the debate should she speak on the in-principle stage of these Bills. Is it the wish of the Assembly that the provisions of standing orders 48 and 49 be waived for the debate on Executive business orders of the day Nos. 1 to 3 as listed on the notice paper?
Members: Yes.
MR SPEAKER: That being so, I will allow this course to be followed.
MR STEFANIAK (10.51): Mr Speaker, I support this Bill, as it will allow a wider range of opportunities for trust fund investments in the Australian Capital Territory. It will
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