Page 162 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 February 1990

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Discussion of Matter of Public Importance

Discussion resumed.

Suspension of Standing and Temporary Orders

Motion (by Mr Kaine) agreed to:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Berry speaking until 4.50 pm.

MR BERRY (4.39): I think in the normal course of events there would have been time for another member to speak for a few minutes after me. I was at the stage, Mr Speaker, at which I was trying to demonstrate the difference between some of the Residents Rally party members of the coalition and the Chief Minister. I had pointed out that the President of the Residents Rally party particularly supports the extent of the designated areas in the National Capital Plan. When Mr Moore was speaking about that issue there were loud rah-rahs and supportive noises from Bernard Collaery, but just a little while later Mr Norman Jensen leapt to his feet and in his speech indicated his support for the Alliance policy which seeks to clarify and reduce the degree of control over land that was identified by the NCPA as additional designated land. So there is a very distinct difference there. Even though Mr Collaery has abandoned his roots, he has not forgotten them. But it is quite clear that Mr Jensen has not only abandoned them but also forgotten them.

The focus of the plan is on the national significance of Canberra, but we need to ensure that Canberra as a local community - it is where we live - has a say in the planning of its city. It is in the interests of our constituents that a case is put to ensure that the role of the National Capital Planning Authority is limited to specific national zones, particularly a parliamentary precinct based on the Parliamentary Triangle with limited designated areas and some special requirements in other areas. Mr Speaker, what was the time to which I was limited?

MR SPEAKER: You were given until 4.50.

MR BERRY: The planners will ensure the national character of the plan, but it is up to us to guard the rights of the people who live here, and it is up to us to ensure that it retains its character and remains a city of which we are all proud. The National Capital Planning Authority has failed to understand that it is not the NCDC; it does not seem to have yet come to that conclusion.

The National Capital Development Commission was never responsible to the people of Canberra, nor is the NCPA. It

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