Page 112 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 February 1990

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particularly for health and the children of the Valley. I am glad Mr Wood picked up that point because I will come to that in a minute. Let us look at who has really been responsible for this delay, Mr Speaker. It is not ACT Alliance Government.

Since 1983, and probably before, the community has been requesting a pool for the Valley, particularly one that meets the needs of the school children of the Valley. Mr Whalan and Mr Berry know full well that when school children use the pool for carnivals and learn to swim campaigns, a perfectly adequate bus system provides access to that pool during those periods. Buses are provided for schools to take their children to the pool to conduct carnivals. In the Tuggeranong Valley we have not had a 50-metre swimming pool, a pool required for the sorts of carnivals and training that Mr Wood is talking about, and also the learn to swim system as well.

For years the regional school board of the Tuggeranong area has been calling for this facility to be provided, but where was the Member for Canberra, Mrs Kelly, during her period in the Labor Government? I might add, Mr Speaker, that during this period the Deputy Leader of the Opposition here was adviser to the various number of ministers - I think it was five, was it not, Mr Whalan? Over this period you advised them on issues related to the community of Canberra.

Where was Mr Whalan during this period? Was he providing swimming facilities that the people of Tuggeranong clearly require and clearly have a responsibility for as we see the population of the community of Tuggeranong expanding? It was known full well that the population of Tuggeranong would require a pool very shortly. But where was Mr Whalan? Where was Mrs Kelly? It was too difficult. Where was it on the budget? It was not done. Mrs Kelly was too busy opening things and then finding that they fell in a heap because she did not get her sums right. But that is a story for another time. What sheer hypocrisy, Mr Speaker.

Let us turn to another issue that was raised by Mr Whalan. In fact, it is a very important point that was also raised by Mrs Kelly in her letter. Over the years public pools have been allowed to move to private enterprise. But who was responsible for that move? Not the Alliance Government but the Federal Labor Government advised by the member opposite, Mr Whalan, and also Mrs Kelly, as a member of that Federal Labor Government. Goodness me, Mr Speaker, what sheer and utter hypocrisy.

I was pleased that Mr Wood in his speech acknowledged the long-term need for this pool. He put forward reasoned, cogent arguments this morning and this afternoon to this chamber. It is unfortunate that his reasoned arguments were not present to advise the previous Labor Government and Mr Whalan on the needs and the requirements for such a facility for the people of Tuggeranong. This facility, I would suggest, is long overdue.

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