Page 105 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 February 1990
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from the members of the other side of the house. It is becoming fairly clear that Mr Whalan in particular must rue the day he thought of putting this motion on the notice paper. It has become apparent from the facts that we have demonstrated on our side that in many of his statements Mr Whalan is speaking with forked tongue, if I can put it that way.
Mrs Grassby: Be careful, Mr Duby, a closed mouth gathers no feet.
MR DUBY: How appropriate, Mrs Grassby, that that pearl of wisdom should come from your mouth.
Mr Kaine: An empty vessel makes the loudest noise.
Mrs Grassby: You should know, Mr Chief Minister.
Mr Kaine: I have been listening to you for a long time.
MR DUBY: We have heard many claims from Mr Whalan regarding the Tuggeranong Pool, but the most important thing is the implication coming from his statements that the previous Government, the Follett Government, was going to build a pool at Tuggeranong. Mr Speaker, where in the capital works program can Mr Whalan identify any funding whatsoever for a pool at Tuggeranong. The simple answer is nowhere.
Mr Berry: Well, is it high on your priority?
MR DUBY: It certainly is, as a matter of fact.
Mr Berry: Where, where is it though? Tell us?
Mr Whalan: It is certainly not in the Cabinet documents. Why was it deleted? Why was it deleted from your capital works program?
Mr Whalan: Craig, why was it deleted from your capital works program? Tell us why it was deleted. It was in the list in November. What happened between November and January?
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Whalan, please desist.
Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, my colleague is unable to address the house while the member opposite continues his unstoppable tirade.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Collaery. That is a point of order. Please proceed, Mr Duby.
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