Page 102 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 February 1990

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On the health issue, it is a form of insurance for the future, but this Government does not seem to be interested in insuring against ill health in the future for the people of Tuggeranong. It has prevented those people from developing a healthier lifestyle for the future and that impacts on the rest of Canberra because of the need to develop health facilities. This is a very costly budget item that we need to ensure is provided to our people.

That the people of Tuggeranong are denied this basic community facility is a disaster, not only for the Government as a whole - particularly for Mrs Nolan, but also for the Minister for Health. Whilst the Minister for Health talks about creating a healthier environment for the people of Canberra and promoting better health, this Government has done nothing to provide those high cost facilities which will be needed in the Tuggeranong Valley. This pool is a very important focus for that community in terms of health promotion.

Mr Speaker, I think this Government stands properly criticised for its inaction on this issue and its failure to deliver a date and any promise of an important recreation facility for the people of Tuggeranong.

MR WHALAN (11.34): I would like to address my remarks to the amendment and I would like to compare the amendment with the original motion. Under the standing orders I will confine my remarks specifically to that.

In the amendment there is a dramatic departure from the original motion which reveals, for the benefit of the community of the ACT, the hidden agenda of the Kaine Liberal coalition Government. The first casualty in the amendment is the words "by the Government". This is a very significant issue for all of those people in the community who have an interest in water sports, swimming as a recreational and school-related activity. This issue is fundamental. What has happened - regrettable as it has been - is that the privatisation of swimming pools in the ACT has been to the detriment of the community. Repeatedly we receive criticisms from the community that admission prices have escalated to the point where they are an intolerable burden and are denying access to these swimming facilities not only by clubs but also by schools. Because of the privatisation, clubs in certain swimming pools have moved their operations in totality.

If you had been involved in any of the consultation with the swimming community in relation to pools you would have realised that one of the things uppermost in their minds was that any future facilities should be built by the Government. They have got to be built by the Government. So what we clearly see here is that the melding, welding and blending of the coalition's policies between the Liberal Party and the Residents Rally party have emerged with a program of privatisation - a commitment to

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