Page 3098 - Week 14 - Thursday, 7 December 1989

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The alliance Government is sensitive to these requirements and will work for beneficial growth. We acknowledge that the community is entitled to a planning system which is open, accessible and responsive to its needs. As a matter of priority this Government will set in place a territorial planning authority as required by the ACT (Planning and Land Management) Act. We will produce a plan with respect to land, incorporating appropriate principles and policies; conditions for planning, design and development of land; procedures for ascertaining and considering the views of the public; arrangements for review of and appeals against recommendations and/or decisions; and the mechanisms for involving the Legislative Assembly in this process.

We will develop subordinate plans to the territorial plan for each area identified as being a potential problem area. In particular, review of the Civic plan will be undertaken as a priority matter. Such a plan should incorporate, among other things, the treatment of City Hill, balancing any development on section 19 with the other precincts of the area bounded by London Circuit. We accept that the only outstanding matter concerning section 19 is whether the project will generate sufficient funds to provide the promised community facilities. The control process now in place will continue, and this matter must be resolved quickly.

The plan should also treat comprehensively the future public transport needs of the city centre. We will ensure that decisions affecting new area development - for example, Gungahlin - follow comprehensive consideration of the needs of residents, infrastructure and other development costs and impacts on the community.

We will move to review and simplify existing lease administration proceedings. Where circumstances require a change of leasing purpose, a betterment tax will be levied. Depending on the degree of change, this tax will be set at a level which balances the interests of the community and those committing their financial and other resources to the particular project.

We will seek to open negotiations with the Commonwealth Government on its unilateral decision identifying national land, on the basis that not all land so designated falls within the definition of section 27(2) of the planning and land management Act; that is, that it "is, or intended to be, used by or on behalf of the Commonwealth". The Gowrie Hostel is an example of a location determined by the Minister as national land which was clearly not intended to be used by the Commonwealth. The intent of the legislation has clearly been set aside in this case.

We will also negotiate with the Commonwealth concerning areas of designated land identified in volume 1 of the national capital plan, having regard for the fact that significant land areas will be removed from ACT Government control under the current proposals.

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